Army Leadership Requirements Model

Army Leadership Requirements Model


Army Leadership

The Army definition of leadership is the ability to achieve mission success and improve the organization by influencing human behavior by providing a clear purpose, guidance, and motivation while maintaining military and professional bearing and caring for those being led. The Army leadership styles framework is found in the Army Leadership Model. Guided by three Army leadership attributes and three core leadership competencies, the Army Leadership Model empowers leaders to successfully manage high-performing organizations capable of achieving their nation's mission and goals. The Army leadership requirements model requires leaders to prepare themselves and those around them mentally and physically in their competencies and become stewards of their organization.

Army Leadership Requirements Model

The Army Leadership Requirements Model exemplifies the fundamentals of Army leadership and outlines the three qualities and three core skills that leaders must possess in order to be effective. It also lists the knowledge and actions that leaders must be capable of performing. Three basic competencies—leads, develops, and achieves—support these traits, which also include character, presence, and intelligence. This model takes into account historical data, current scientific knowledge, and what helps the Army accomplish its objectives the most effectively. The Army establishes organizational cohesiveness, readiness, and effectiveness by fusing its traits and skills.In order to motivate people to complete tasks and advance the organization, the Army defines leadership as the ability to motivate, inspire, and influence others. The Army Leadership Requirements Model is an example of how core skills and leadership qualities can be combined to create effective leadership.

Attributes are the desired internal characteristics of a leader – what the Army wants leaders to be and know.

Competencies are groups of related behaviors that leaders are expected to perform – what the Army wants leaders to do.

While attributes can be molded by your experiences over time, competencies can be improved in the near term through feedback, study, and practice. Therefore, this guide focuses on the competencies. It will improve your leadership effectiveness by helping you reflect on your current abilities, identify where you demonstrate strengths, and reveal where there is room for improvement.


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