Achieves (NCOER/OER)
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Achieves (NCOER/OER)

Achieves focuses on accomplishing the mission. Mission accomplishment coexists with an extended perspective towards maintaining and building the organization’s capabilities.

- Achieving begins in the short-term by setting objectives.

- In the long term, achieving requires getting results in pursuit of those objectives.

- Getting results focuses on structuring what to do to produce consistent results. Getting results embraces all actions to get the job done on time and to standard.

- Results are measured in how well the leader provided direction, guidance, and clear priorities, guiding teams in what needs to be done and how. This, combined with monitoring performance to identify strengths and correct weaknesses in organizations, groups, and individuals, allows for accomplishing missions consistently and ethically.

Reference: ADP 6–22 and ADRP 6–22

Source: (DA PAM 623-3 NCOER, page 25)

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